How the hell is that an advert for the wbts?? The usual overreaction i see.
fleaman uk
JoinedPosts by fleaman uk
JWs Out After the Tragic Murder of Two Sisters By Their Egg Donor
by XJW4EVR inthis is from the la times regarding the egg donor that slashed the throats of her two daughters on wednesday (sept. 2nd).
the third one escaped death because she was not in the home.
however, that is not the point i found interesting, rather it was this:.
So what's wrong with being a "Cult"?
by The Berean ini looked up the definition of "cult" on
definition #1 read as follows "a particular system of religious worship, esp.with reference to its rites and cerimonies.
" that soundeed vanilla enough .... scrolling down to #2, i saw "an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal or thing, esp.
fleaman uk
I wouldn't want any of the children in my family to be alone with a JW. I consider mind control, mental illness, and pedophilia pretty dangerous
Ridiculous, your daft comment screams overreaction. I leave my kids with jw family lots of times. There is no "mind control" "mental illness" or "pedophillia" anywhere to be seen.
RIP Dansk (aka Ian), 18.12.1953- 20.12.2008
by faundy inhave posted this on the other thread but just making this one as well:
i need to let you know that dad passed away this morning at 8am.
he fought so hard but in the end they could not get his blood pressure to rise and he died of heart failure.
fleaman uk
Wish i had met him when i had the chance.Definitely my loss.
sad news indeed,my deepest sympathies.
The Horrid Lime Green New World Translation- What were they thinking!
by Witness 007 innot very appealing and couldn't sell well.
fleaman uk
I remember some tour guide telling me at NYC bethel that Knorr liked the colour green.All the decor there was green in his day too apparently.
Trying to leave the Witnesses is like trying to leave the Mafia = Death!
by Witness 007 inif you try to leave the mafia in italy they will hunt you down and kill you, there is no way you can quit and just walk away, you need to go into hiding always looking over your shoulder.
it's the same with witnesses, you can't just quit, you need to be disfellowshiped and punished....and you'll always be worried looking over your shoulder even if you go into hiding.
fleaman uk
Also, my husband, who is a guitar teacher is having trouble at work. He works for a former JW 'friend' who is the music coordinator at the primary school that he works at. She is shunning us, so we wondered how she would behave when the new school term begun. Well, we were right to wonder. she has now employed another guitar teacher to teach guitar and decreased my husbands lessons. My husband was not informed by her. She actually told the new guitar teacher, who my husband didn't even know, to tell him. We are waiting to see what happens next. We feel she will be formulating a way of constructively dismissing him.
The JW,s are the first to cry discrimination,in fact they thrive on it.I suggest taking this far further,to tribunal should it come to her dismissing your husband.
by THE GLADIATOR inwe had a four day break in france last weekend, travelling from london at 186 miles per hour on the eurostar.
no sooner had we landed, when my wife took me on a 24-hour open-top-bus -tour around paris.
fortunately she wasnt driving.
fleaman uk
The French moved very slowly, except on one occasion when a car backfired. Then they all start running for cover. Old habits die hard, I guess.
All Americans are going to be fat in 40 years!
by digderidoo inupdated 3:34 p.m. et aug. 6, 2008new york - if the trends of the past three decades continue, itas possible that every american adult could be overweight 40 years from now, a government-funded study projects.
the figure might sound alarming, or impossible, but researchers say that even if the actual rate never reaches the 100-percent mark, any upward movement is worrying; two-thirds of the population is already overweight.
agenetically and physiologically, it should be impossiblea for all u.s. adults to become overweight, said dr. lan liang of the federal governmentas agency for healthcare research and quality, one of the researchers on the study.
fleaman uk
There is a portion of the population (myself included) that would never let themselves get fat. Those who work out and eat well. I never understood how people could let themselves get so fat. And yes, I say "let" because we DO have control about how well we eat and how much excercise. And it's not about money. You can eat well and not spend a lot of money. Anyways, at some point don't people look in the mirror and say "enough is enough"?
Gotta say that thats a reasonable opinion.
Your thoughts on Wicca?
by Texman55 insomebody who's become a friend is an ex catholic....pretty knowledgeable on all the mainstream christian doctrines and history into wicca beliefs....not a actual member, but in tune with the ideas....mediation, incense, being close to the earth yada yada.
not real wound up with it, not pushing it on me.....and theres no way i would ever go there.....just not my style, and think i am over any organized religion at this point.. a good friend, good person.....he cant really explain why he's into all that except it feels good....but i'm a little uncomfortable.....sad to say i think it's a holdover from the jw fear and loathing of anything remotely "demonic"......i'm a good researcher, and in 15-20 minutes on the internet i know i could dig up all the lowdown on wicca beliefs/practices/history etc.....and i know without looking it up that its all just a made-up job like so many other groups we know.....but i hold back because i'm afraid if i knew more i'd feel really uncomfortable with my friend.....i know, i know that's so
just wondering if any of you have any experience with the wicca thing, and what you think about all that.
fleaman uk
Wicca?Bunch of nutters dressing up in weird clothes and chanting nonsense.Same as all religion i suppose.
fleaman uk
Jim Fleming sounds like a right laugh!!
Glad we never had him.
Another good story from TIJ tho.Nice one.
fleaman uk
"Jeff Young rings a bell"
He was a very nice person.
Agreed.He was a superb bloke and not a fairweather friend HS .He went the extra mile for me when i stopped pioneering amidst relatively scandalous circumstances.Will always remember this mild mannered man shouting at our PO when he had lambasted me once too often.
I hope hes doing well?Must be very old now though.
Jim Cleary-asshole
The Buckinghams-old school,no BS about them and had no cliques or favourites,unlike see above!
Peter Chipperfield-nice guy.
Michael Eagen-yep,liked him
Ray Baldwin-humble guy,crap speaker but had a genuine warmth.Too good for the wts.
Albert Broad-old fart of the highes order.Liked his beer though!
Brent Smith-should have been a stand up comic!
Mike Read-very dry and witty i thought.Had a steely stare though.
Last one i remember looked like John was his name???
Loads more..maybe rose tinted glasses,but i have mainly good memories of my old CO,s.